About Us

We Are Leading International Company In The World

Welcome to Bulut Food,your culinary gateway to a world of diverse, high-quality cuisine!
Founded in 2023, Bulut Food is driven by a commitment to deliver industry-leading service standards. Our team draws upon extensive experience dating back to 1998, embarking on a journey to establish the company from the ground up. Today, we take immense pride in supplying natural and organic foods to hundreds of satisfied customers across the United States. Our current reach encompasses states such as California, New York, Oregon, Washington, Arizona, Texas, Colorado, Utah, Nevada, and we’re thrilled to share our exciting plans for further expansion starting in 2024.
Our Story:
Born out of a deep appreciation for the diverse culinary traditions and heritage of the world, Bulut Food was founded with a vision to connect people through the universal language of food. With each product we source and every partnership we forge, our aim is to share the essence of a region’s culture and history, one delectable bite at a time.
Exceptional Quality:
At the core of Bulut Food lies an unwavering commitment to quality. We meticulously handpick each item from trusted producers and suppliers across the globe. From the sun-kissed olive groves of Lebanon to the aromatic spice markets of Morocco, we ensure that every product meets the highest standards of authenticity, flavor, and freshness.
Diverse Selection:
Our extensive range of Middle Eastern delights caters to both connoisseurs and those new to the region’s cuisine. Whether you’re seeking the finest extra virgin olive oils, fragrant spices and herbs, mouthwatering sweets, or traditional pantry essentials, Bulut Food is your gateway to a world of culinary treasures.
Cultural Exploration:
At Bulut Food , we believe that food is more than sustenance – it’s a means to explore different cultures. Each product we offer has a story to tell, a connection to its place of origin. Through our products, we invite you to embark on your own gastronomic adventure, discovering the flavors that have delighted palates for generations.
Community and Connection:
Our mission goes beyond providing exceptional products. PlusFoods is dedicated to fostering a community of food enthusiasts who share a passion for discovery. We encourage you to join us in celebrating the joys of cooking, sharing recipes, and exchanging stories that are woven into the fabric of culinary heritage. Welcome to the Bulut Food family!